Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Run Charts Essay Example For Students

Run Charts Essay The reason that leads to this problem to occurs because of poor in inventory systems and management. Tip Top Market may not updated their inventory daily, so that they did not recognize items that are out of stocks, Furthermore, they may not pay attention on products which have higher demands. The second highest was made on store conditions or maintenance. From the Figure I total of 38 complaints were made and out of that 27 complaints were made before the implementation of changes and the remaining of 11 complaints were made after that. Complaints come because customers did not satisfy with the store conditions especially with air conditioning either its too warm or too old. This can happen because they did not control their level of air conditioning. They should adjust the level according to the conditions in the supermarket. Poor instance, keep the air conditioning slow venue there are many people in the supermarket and vice versa. In addition, there are complaints were made on cleanliness and maintenance Of the store. Service and charging been ranked at number three as can be seen in Figure 1. 2. Total of 29 complaints were made during June 1 until July 13 and 2 complaints were on July 20. These complaints come at checkout lines which customers deals with the cashiers. A cashier was the front line worker and carried the company image. Out of total of 31 complaints, 6 complaints were made on attitude of the cashier. The remaining complaints were made on overcharging and undercharging the items. This may happen because of the possibility of old and slow teller machine, mistakenly key in the price and the scanner did not work properly, From the Figure I out of 184 complaints, 26 complaints were made on products quality. All these complaints were made before the changes been implemented. These things happened because Tip Top Markets did not put standardization on quality. Furthermore, there is possibility that Quality Teams that Tip Top Markets had did not do their job properly. They did not check hundred percents (100%) when they products arrive to their warehouse. Moreover, 13 complaints were made on others which are indirectly related as been shown in Figure 1. 7. For instance, customers did not find things that they need, lost of child, wallet and unsatisfied with the service around the Tip Top Markets. Based on that, II complaints were made on the last seven weeks ND 2 complaints made during the two weeks after the changes had been implemented. These complaints arise because of they did not give a full attention in management systems. In addition, from the Figure 1 9 complaints were made because of too long in waiting lines at the checkout. Out of that, 8 complaints were made on June 1 until July 13 and 1 complaint was made after two weeks of changes been implemented. Long waiting lines at checkout lines may cause from several reasons such as too many customers in a day because it is either early or end f the month where peoples get their salary, Tip Top Markets having a sale, few checkout lines were on operation, problems with the cash register machine and items that customers had did not have a price tag and they have to wait for the cashier or other workers to get a new items which have price tag on it. Lastly, 6 complaints were made on pricing. This can be seen in Figure 1. 1 where 3 complaints were made before the implementation and another 3 complaints after the implementation. This may happen because Of mistakenly read and keying the barded.

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